Dr.Arun Vasudevan's Acupuncture & Alternative Medicines
Dr. Arun Vasudevan
Pregnancy Morning Sickness
  • By: admin
  • August 22, 2024

Pregnancy Morning Sickness

What is morning sickness?

Pregnancy Morning sickness is due to a revamped immune system relating to the function of blood formation, blood destruction, and the elimination function of the products of the destroyed blood cells. The organs involved in this system are the spleen, the bone arrow, the lymph node, the lungs, the liver, the brain cells, various connective tissues of muscles, and so on. In short, the whole body system is involved. As the mother’s uterus produces more and more new life energy, the immune system throughout the body rebels against the fatal blood poisons that are hidden in all these tissues. The sudden influx of these deadly bloody materials into the liver for detoxification is met with great difficulty and struggle. The resultant transient accumulation of bile content causes this physiological jaundice-like situation.  The Pregnancy Morning Sickness symptoms are loss of state, distaste, loss of appetite, retching, vomiting, total asthenia, weakness of muscles and bones, malaise, body pain, etc.


Whenever these signs appear in all those body parts, the bloody dead products, in their many states of incomplete metabolism, start to move toward their removal and the mother’s purification from any further illnesses. Pregnancy morning sickness is a cleansing process.


What should a pregnant mother do when she experiences morning sickness?

Total abstinence from water and foods in general until such time the thirst for water appears. This means digestion for water has started coming back; now you can take water in sips and teaspoonfuls. Do not gulp down a full glass. You’ll drink a lot of water gradually. That is it. The remedy for morning sickness.
Following this, the appetite will start. Take bland food like without the addition of ingredients for taste, such as ketch up, sauces, spices etc. Do not take a full stomach, but a bite or two for a meal is sufficient.
Within one or two days, you will know that you have no more morning sickness. Thereafter, you can proceed with your normal diet.

Beware !!

If you associate doctors (modern medicine) with this, first they would put down your immune system with their anti-emetic medicines and anti-histamine drugs, such as pyridoxine, a potential drug that affects kidneys while at the same time destroying immunity.
The bloody toxins are beginning to accumulate beyond certain intolerable levels. At one point in time, the whole system rebels against these, the anti-vomiting drugs, and the IV drugs and fluids, with signs of kidney function deterioration leading to a very critical condition that would advise medically induced termination of pregnancy.

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