Dr.Arun Vasudevan's Acupuncture & Alternative Medicines
Dr. Arun Vasudevan

Polycystic Ovaries

The meaning of the words “Polycystic Ovaries” is multiple pockets of fluid collection in the ovaries. This indicates that there is defective water metabolism in the bodily system.

What is defective metabolism?

It means water is not properly digested, distributed, utilized, and its wastes are excreted; and due to this water accumulates in various organs and tissues and between the cells either as multiple pockets or distributed uniformly.
If it accumulates uniformly, it leads to obesity. Even blood is water-loaded and pressure is increased as the blood volume increases.
Whatever we eat or drink must be digested to individual suitability and it should be absorbed, utilized, and naturalized to oneself. On the contrary, any element in the food or drink that is not suitable to one’s nature should be eliminated as waste.
Every food one eats is naturalized so that its energy becomes one’s self. Thus, all biological foods are agreeable to humans, and all inorganic chemicals like vitamins, calcium, iron, fluorine, chlorine, magnesium, zinc, and such minerals when taken as processed supplements turns out to be very poisonous to self-energy. It is always better to avoid these toxic substances to boost your life energy with each feeding.
After too much exposure to medications, our life energy falls and our breathing capacity weakens. As a result, oxygen levels come down. This leads to disturbance in water metabolism. Due to improper digestion and assimilation of water, the body loses the ability to differentiate the waste materials, and as a result, the water with its wastes gets accumulated in one’s tissues, either locally developing into cysts or causing uniform bloating of the body.
This condition is termed as polycystic kidneys, polycystic ovaries, polycystic lungs, etc.
Treatment protocols of IDRP can reverse these conditions without any medications or surgery. Enroll today itself and enjoy freedom from PCOD.