Dr.Arun Vasudevan's Acupuncture & Alternative Medicines
Dr. Arun Vasudevan
How to prevent Diabetic Neuropathy
  • By: admin
  • August 22, 2024

How to prevent Diabetic Neuropathy

Neuropathy is an ailment that commonly affects diabetics. Usually, 30–50% of people suffering from diabetes get problems related to the nerve within a span of 5–10 years of being diabetic.  Even when the blood sugar levels are normal, a diabetic can be afflicted with this nerve disorder.  The main reason is insulin resistance at the cellular level. How do I prevent diabetic neuropathy?

Neuropathy can affect our bodies in two different ways.

1.  Sensory  Nervous System

2. Motor Nervous System.
Symptoms of Sensory Nervous System  
Neuropathy affects the sensory nervous system, i.e., the nerves that carry sensations to the brain.  It affects the hands and legs on both sides equally. The patient experiences pain, tingling, burning, and numbness sensations.
In some people, there will be hypersensitivity to pain and, in others, a loss of sensation. Loss of sensation may lead to painless, nonhealing ulcers. The patient will not be aware of the small wounds in the foot due to low blood circulation in the extremities, which may slowly develop into big, non-healing ulcers. It is a dangerous situation because if proper care is not given at the right time, it may result in amputation.
Yet another symptom is paresthesia. Paranesthesia is an altered sensation. Similar to the mirage effect, even if there is no water on the floor, the patient sees water. While walking on a rough surface, these patients feel as though they are walking on cotton wool!!
Since the sensory nervous system is affected, the patient will not be able to experience angina (pain in the heart area), which is due to a deficient oxygen supply to cardiac muscles. In such individuals, painless cardiac arrest may happen, leading to silent death.
If the autonomous nervous system ( sympathetic) is affected,
Heart : There will be unexplained palpitation, lightness of head when standing up, etc.
Low blood pressure (postural hypotension) may lead to fainting.
Eyes: The accommodative power of eyes to light and darkness may suffer. There may be double vision or tunnel vision. Dry eyes due to low lachrymation.
Digestive system: dry mouth due to low salivation. There will be nausea, vomiting, bloating, loss of appetite, and constipation or diarrhea due to impairment of bowel movements.
Urinary and reproductive systems: In the kidneys, there may be a leak of blood from the glomerulus. Loss of sensation of fullness of bladder and weakness of bladder muscles causes incontinence. Reduced blood pressure in the reproductive organs leads to impotence.
Sweat glands: If sweat glands are affected, there could be increased sweating or no sweating, which leads to dry skin. Dry skin is prone to infections easily. There may be different rates of sweating in different areas.
A major condition that diabetic patients face is the inability to know hypoglycemia. In normal individuals, if there is hypoglycemia, there will be a hunger sensation. It can lead to fainting.
Motor nervous system symptoms 
Extremities: Foot drop is a common symptom seen in diabetic patients. They cannot lift a foot and cannot walk without support. Wrist drops are also common among poorly managed diabetics.
Eyes: Drooping of eyelids. I can’t open my eyes fully.
Cranial nerves: If the nerve roots supplying the eye area are affected, there will be eye pain, double vision, and pain in the eyes, and if the nerve roots of the facial nerve are affected, it can lead to facial palsy (bells palsy). I can’t move one side of my face.
In some people, nerves supplying specific muscle groups are affected. If the shoulder muscles are affected, it leads to a frozen shoulder. Muscular involvement causes chest pain, abdominal muscle pain, hip pain, and pain in the thighs. Along with pain, there may be wasting of muscles too.
Treatment Protocols
1. Diet: to control carb intake, to supply micronutrients, flavonoids, phytohormones, and antioxidants, and to facilitate easy digestion
2. Scientifically designed effective exercise patterns including resistance, strength, non endurance types to strengthen the muscles, to facilitate aerobic and anaerobic oxidation in the muscle cells.
3. Acupressure/acupuncture . Stimulating the points to rewire the system and balance the flow of energy channels to various glands and systems. Acupressure will speed up diabetes reversal.
4. Stress management using easy techniques. Balancing stress hormones and happy hormones in the system.
Treatment goals 
1. Relieving the presenting symptoms like pain, weakness, inefficiency, wasting of muscles, etc.
2. Arresting the progress of the disease.
3. Reversal of the main cause of the symptoms, i.e., insulin resistance.
4. The ultimate freedom of the individual from medications and fear.

Dr Arun Vasudevan
Founder director IDRP


IDRP, TKD Road, Muttada PO, Trivandrum.

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