Dr.Arun Vasudevan's Acupuncture & Alternative Medicines
Dr. Arun Vasudevan

Heart Block

Say No to Heart Block

Do you want to live your life to the fullest without being a slave of medications for the rest of your life? Do you want to stop living like an old man, counting your days? Think about it seriously. When you develop a cardiac symptom like chest pain, tightness, fullness, profuse sweating, shortness of breath, pain in the shoulders or jaws, etc., you may consult a cardiac surgeon. The doctor may suggest an angiogram or other investigations and find blocks, weak cardiac muscles, or other medical reasons that would have led to the present condition. They would prescribe medications along with a strict diet and regimen. From that moment on, you would live under the Damocles Sword hanging just above your head.

Have you ever thought about why heart attacks occur?

Today, even youngsters as young as 20 are suffering from cardiac diseases, and the number of youngsters suffering from heart attacks is alarmingly rising. Why is this happening?

 What is the phenomenon behind this? How can we prevent it? Why should youngsters live a life of old age depending on lifelong medications?


A heart attack happens when the flow of oxygen-rich blood to a section of the heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked, and the heart can’t get oxygen. If blood flow isn’t restored quickly, the section of the heart muscle begins to die.


Coronary artery blocks can be associated with or lead to severe cardiac problems, such as heart failure and life-threatening arrhythmias. Heart failure is a condition in which the heart can’t pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs. Arrhythmias are irregular heartbeats. Ventricular fibrillation is a life-threatening arrhythmia that can cause death if not treated right away.


MedicinePlus of California, United States explains that placement of a cardiac stent can result in heart-related side effects in treated patients. The stent can irritate the heart muscle, which may cause it to abnormally or irregularly contract or beat, called arrhythmia, and the patients can experience a heart attack.


The European Society of Cardiology says that treatments (medications, open heart surgery, and interventional procedures, like angioplasty) do not cure coronary artery disease. Having had a heart attack or treatment does not mean you will never have another heart attack; it can happen again. But, there are several steps you can take to prevent further attacks like regular investigations, a change in lifestyle, and regular exercise. All this is scientifically done in IDRP.


When young people with three or four stents in their body come to me desperately, I would offer them a life without fear and medications. Their blocks in the arteries can be removed without surgery even if it is a 60%, 70%, 80%, or 90% block.


If there is an alternative way to return to your normal life with just a few changes in your life, why can’t you just give it a try and return to your normal self? You can live the rest of your life without fear.


It is essential to keep your heart muscles healthy to survive a heart attack. We can strengthen our heart muscles without medication or surgery. A person with strong cardiac muscles can survive a major heart attack. There are alternative natural ways to remove the plaques and improve the blood supply to your cardiac muscles without surgery. Even if some of your major coronary arteries are blocked, new blood vessels will develop to supply each cardiac muscle fiber.


We cannot bypass a natural passage of blood flow. The heart muscles constantly receive the radiating energy from the blood as it traverses through the heart. It is this immense energy that gives functional ability to the heart and maintains the inherent beating potential of the heart

Five Golden Rules

Emotions & Heart Block

Actually, what blocks your heart is your mind! You would have heard of young and strong people, even of athletic build, succumbing to massive heart attacks. If you ponder over this example, you will know that heart block is not due to coronary arteries being blocked by thrombosis or cholesterol, but it is the emotions – the stress – that causes strain in the heart blood vessels that leads to blocks, which eventually develop over the years leading to massive heart block and death.

The Mind Stress is Due to the Emotions

The emotion fear often trips down many a beat in the heart and the block gets imprinted in the lumen of the blood vessels. Each time the fear grips the heart, the block gets aggravated and the condition worsens. The emotion anger causes the most dangerous block (slow or sudden block). The worry and sadness that follow anger result in a heart block insidiously without one ever knowing about it. This may lead to a silent heart attack without warning! IDRP offers the best treatment for heart diseases in Trivandrum.