Dr.Arun Vasudevan's Acupuncture & Alternative Medicines
Dr. Arun Vasudevan


What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a lifestyle disease, related to sugar metabolism in the human body. When the blood sugar level rises above the standard, we call it diabetes. It is not a lifelong illness. It is otherwise called insulin resistance. It can be reversed by removing the causes of insulin resistance.

Certain substances present in our daily food intake may cause insulin resistance. Growth hormone-like substances present in milk, certain chemicals present in wheat, etc., cause insulin resistance. Acid-forming foods like meat, eggs, etc., also increase insulin resistance. High-fat food will also cause insulin resistance. In IDRP, diet is carefully chosen to eliminate these harmful chemicals. During the first stages of reversal, all fat stored in muscle cells, liver, and other areas in our body will be flushed out.

In the first stage, we will ensure that lean fat is removed from the muscle tissue. Excess deposition of adipose tissue will be removed in the later stages of reversal using combined diet and exercise techniques.

Lack of micronutrients also causes insulin resistance, so foods containing micronutrients should be included in the diet for reversal of diabetes.

Lack of exercise or a sedentary lifestyle also increases acid levels in the body, promotes inflammation, and causes insulin resistance. Flabby muscles and less movement cause lymph stagnation, which in turn increases inflammatory changes in the body. Individual exercise programs are designed according to the body structure and physical condition of the individual. Exercises should be targeted to specific muscle groups and need to be changed during every shift in the stage of diabetes reversal.

During the early stages of diabetes reversal, fat removal is the main target. During the later stages, toning up of muscles and fitness are targeted.

Acupressure points in the hands and legs are used to stimulate the life energy meridians in our body. The energy blocks in the acupuncture channels cause an imbalance of five elements, which affects the functioning of various glands, including the pancreas and thyroid.

In the modern world, people live in permanent stress. This triggers increased secretion of stress hormones like cortisol, catecholamines, vasopressin, gonadotrophins, thyroid hormones (decrease), etc. Sustained stress results in insulin resistance and high fat deposition, leading to obesity. 30–40 percent of all diabetics suffer from depression and related adjustment issues. Meditation, yoga, and mindfulness will help us live without stress and enjoy life situations.

What is IDRP?

Intensive Diabetes Reversal Program (IDRP) is a safe, systematic reversal program that creates lasting freedom from medications and complications. It’s an innovative, integrated program with a complete diet, exercise, acupressure, and stress busters. It’s a combination of personalized guidance and group therapy. Diabetes is reversed in different stages. In each stage, diet patterns and exercise patterns will change according to the individual demands. During this program, you will improve your physical, mental, emotional, and social dimensions.


IDRP reverses diabetes in 10 stages:

  1. First Stage: Sugar levels decrease; medications & insulin remain the same (1-2 weeks).
  2. Second Stage: Sugar levels decrease; medications reduced (2-4 weeks).
  3. Third Stage: Sugar levels decrease; medications & insulin stop (3-4 months).
  4. Fifth Stage: Sugar levels decrease; HbA1C (6-10) (5-6 months).
  5. Sixth Stage: HbA1C (6-8) (7-9 months).
  6. Seventh Stage: HbA1C (6-7) (9 months).
  7. Eighth Stage: Start reversing complications (Retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy) (9-12 months).
  8. Ninth Stage: GTT pass (10-12 months).
  9. Tenth Stage: Supreme fitness (12 months).


Why should there be more sugar in blood?

The main cause of abnormal levels of blood sugar is not due to insufficient functioning of the pancreas. In certain conditions, even if there is normal insulin secretion from the pancreas, glucose molecules won’t be able to enter the muscle cells. This condition is called insulin resistance. This will result in excess glucose molecules circulating in the bloodstream. The muscle cells can store glucose 100 times more than that of blood. If sufficient quantity of glucose is not entering the muscle cells, the human body will not get sufficient quantity of energy (ATP molecules) to conduct its normal functioning.

What is Insulin resistance?

Simply put, after digestion in the stomach, glucose is absorbed into the bloodstream. Insulin acts like a guide to direct the glucose molecules into the muscle cells. Normally, glucose molecules can enter the muscle cells in the presence of insulin. We get energy from glucose molecules. In the muscle cells, glucose is used to create energy (ATP) molecules. But in this case, it doesn’t happen. This condition is called insulin resistance. According to studies conducted in this area, certain substances called insulin-like growth factors (IGF) are a major cause of insulin resistance.

Role of Pancreas

In Type I diabetes, there is reduced or no function of the pancreas. This condition may happen due to various causes including genetic factors, external factors like medications, exposure to radiation, injury, autoimmune diseases, tumors, etc.

In Type II diabetes, the functioning of the pancreas is also affected, but as a result of various other factors like diet, exercise, and stress. By regulating these factors, we can bring back the pancreas to a normal functioning level.

Diet Causes

Insulin resistance can occur due to four major diet-related issues:

  1. Intake of insulin-like growth factor-containing foods.
  2. Increased acid pH in the body resulting in an overall inflammatory condition of the body due to certain food habits and lifestyle issues.
  3. Excessive fat deposition in the body. Excess sugar will be converted to fat.
  4. Lack of essential micronutrients in the body.

IDRP has tailored diet programs for each of its participants.

Exercise-Related Causes

A sedentary lifestyle will lead to stagnant lymphatics. Stuck-up lymph will increase the acid pH of the body. This leads to diabetes. Lack of muscular strength leads to low intake of sugar from the blood, resulting in diabetes. IDRP has a set of ten simple exercises through which muscle cells can be returned to normal functioning.

Stress-Related Causes

Stress hormones promote insulin resistance and diabetes. Long-standing stress is one of the major causes of diabetes in urban India. Kerala has become the diabetes capital of India. The people of Kerala consume 33% of the medications that the whole of India consumes. This is also one of the reasons for stress.

When a person is under stress, they lose discrimination. They don’t know what is good for them or what should be avoided. They may succeed in accruing wealth and fame but will feel a frightening vacuum/emptiness inside. This will be reflected in their body as disease. There are simple and foolproof techniques to identify and eliminate the stress factors from one’s life. 5-minute meditation and 2-minute breathing techniques will help increase self-power. We teach such techniques to those who join our IDRP.

Warning Signs

In the beginning, metabolism slows down due to the accumulation of excess toxins. The body tries to eliminate toxins and starts eliminating digestate in the stomach and intestine. This process causes decreased appetite, gaseousness, constant belching, heartburn, and acidity. There may be a constant sour feeling in the mouth, retching, and vomiting. All these symptoms are the fore-runners of impending diabetes. Act during this grace period of 10 years to prevent diabetes.

Food Habits for Diabetics

During the Diabetes Reversal Program (IDRP), individualized diet will be advised to each patient according to their physical condition.

It is advised to eat only when truly hungry. While eating, remain calm, take enough time to chew, mix the food with saliva, and turn it into a paste before swallowing. Only after swallowing one morsel should the next morsel enter the mouth.

Avoid all dairy products and foods containing insulin-like growth factors, those that increase body acidity, and foods with high glycemic indexes.

Our motto is to eat only when hungry. Test your blood sugar frequently when starting this diet and adjust medication under professional guidance. If you are diabetic, join IDRP now to save yourself from medications and reduce health care costs.