- By: admin
- August 22, 2024
Is there any connection between depression and diabetes?
What is depression?
Firstly, all of you know what it is. Somebody is feeling unusually sad. We all feel sad sometimes. Don’t we?
We all feel sad when we don’t get something we want, miss an award, miss a flight, fail an interview, and in so many similar situations. But that’s not depression.
More over, depression is something you are unable to control.
You feel perpetually sad. It goes on and on into great depths. Sometimes even suicidal tendencies come.
You see the darker side of everything. And believe that everything negative that occurs is a result of oneself. There are feelings of unworthiness. Begin embarrassing yourself. and yourself, Why am I living? Nothing is going right. That’s depression.
Depression is very common. People believe that only a small percentage of people suffer from depression. In fact, a lot of people undergo depression.
What does that have to do with diabetes?
First of all, due to depression, you can get diabetes. But how does that occur?
What actually occurs is that the body produces more hormones when in a profound state of despair.
These are anti-insulin hormones. They are also called counter-regulatory hormones.
They are glucagon, growth hormone, cortisol, and epinephrine.
These hormones have a tendency to increase the blood sugar level. But some hormones in our body decrease blood sugar. Insulin is one of them.
Cortisol is a hormone that is naturally produced in our body. It is a steroid. This hormone decreases serotonin levels in our blood, which also causes depression.
Whenever you are frightened, stressed, anxious, or depressed, these counter regulatory hormones increase in your body.
All these hormones attack insulin and won’t allow insulin to work. They counteract the action of insulin. When insulin is not working, the sugar level will go up.
When you have depression, your sugar level will increase. It can actually lead to diabetes.
If the depression is corrected, will the diabetes go away?
Yes, it may go away if you correct it through counselling, healing, pranayama, meditation, positive thinking, and exercise. When you do these things under expert guidance, depression may subside and diabetes may go away.
Can diabetes produce depression?
The moment somebody is diagnosed with diabetes, you can see their face becoming dull and very sad.
The first thing they ask is, So no more ice cream in my life? No more chocolates? No more halwa, no more meat?
In my life, I can never enjoy my favorite foods.
Oh, I have to take insulin every day. What will happen to my eyes, heart, and liver? Will I go blind? Shall my legs get chopped off? Do I need to have an organ transplant or go through dialysis?
All these questions will fill their minds day and night. Such people may slowly tend to become depressed.
Sometimes diabetic patients suffer from severe neuropathic pains. Your nerves get affected and inflamed. You are getting pricking sensations in the feet, burning in the feet like fire, and cannot sleep at night. Such long-term, severe suffering may also lead to depression.
Some people develop impotence due to damaged nerves and blood vessels. They feel helpless and frustrated. They may also undergo depression after some time. But this is also reversible to some extent.
Reverse Diabetes
But when they come to us, they will slowly realize it and learn all about it. We teach them, educate them, and tell them that if you reverse your diabetes, your insulin resistance, if you discipline yourself for a few months, there’s nothing to worry about.
They will feel better eventually, and the depression will go away.
What we see among our patients is that when their diabetes and insulin resistance are controlled and they become free from medications and insulin, their quality of life is brilliant. They are all happy. They don’t have depression. In fact, they do better than people without diabetes.
Once reversed, they don’t have eye complications, kidney complications, liver complications, or heart complications. They are feeling at the top of the world. They are in control of themselves. There’s nothing to get depressed about.
Therefore, my advice to you all is
- Diagnose your diabetes well.
- Take the initiative and take the first step towards diabetes remission
- Keep positive
- Be regular in the reversal clinic.
- Bring discipline to diet and exercise. No smoking/tobacco/alcohol
(Founder Of IDRP)
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Tags: accupressure, accupuncture, depression, diabetic reversal, idrp