Best Diabetes Reversal Treatment in Trivandrum, Kerala (IDRP)
In the light of 26 years of clinical experience, Dr. Arun Vasudevan has developed a comprehensive, safe, and scientific diabetes reversal program (IDRP), one of the best diabetes reversal treatments in Trivandrum to combat the most dreadful disease and silent killer, diabetes. He is on a mission to eradicate diabetes by providing the best diabetes reversal treatment in India.

What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in the human body. It starts with the impairment of digestion. We provide one of the best diabetes treatments in Trivandrum with IDRP, a program specially designed for diabetes patients. There are two types of diabetes. Type I is caused by reduced or zero production of insulin inside our body (by the pancreas). Type II is mainly due to insulin resistance. In this case, insulin is sufficiently produced in the body but does not function properly due to various reasons. In both cases, abnormal levels of glucose circulate in the bloodstream. Dr. Arun Vasudevan’s IDRP is one of the best diabetes reversal treatments in Trivandrum, which is highly effective for diabetes patients.
What is Insulin Resistance?
When food is ingested through the mouth, digestion begins. During the process of chewing, the food gets mixed with salivary secretions, and then signals are sent to the brain regarding the nature and composition of the food. According to the signals received, the brain sends signals to the stomach and digestive glands (liver & pancreas) to produce sufficient quantities of required enzymes. When the chewed food reaches the stomach cavity, the enzymes act upon the food and start breaking it down into simpler substances. This process continues in the small intestine as well. Certain hormones in the intestine decide on the substances and the quantity to be absorbed. The rest is expelled to the large intestine.
Glucose is then absorbed from the intestine into the bloodstream. Here insulin molecules help glucose enter the muscle cells. The glucose gets converted into energy molecules in the muscle cells. However in patients with insulin resistance, this conversion mechanism fails, resulting in the pooling of sugar in large quantities in the bloodstream.

Insulin Resistance is Caused by Several Factors
Intake of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) containing foodstuffs. IGF causes insulin resistance.
– Increased acid pH in the body, which may trigger increased inflammatory reactions. Unhealthy food habits and lifestyles can result in this condition.
– Excessive fat deposition in the body. Overeating produces excess sugar, which in turn will be converted to body fat.
– Lack of essential micronutrients in the body. This can be corrected by including sprouts, seeds, green smoothies, soaked nuts, and supplements in the diet.
IDRP advocates individualized diet plans for each of its participants. IDRP treatment in Trivandrum is one of the best treatments for diabetes patients.
A sedentary lifestyle leads to stagnant lymphatics. Lymphatics is the circulation of body fluids parallel to the blood vessels in the body. Pooling of lymph in various parts of the body increases the acid pH of the body.
– Lack of muscular strength leads to low intake of sugar from the blood. In normal circumstances, muscle cells can store glucose 100 times more than that in the bloodstream. However, loss of muscle strength adversely affects the glucose-receiving capacity of muscle cells, resulting in insulin resistance.
IDRP has a set of ten simple exercises, through which muscle cells can be toned up to their optimum efficiency. IDRP treatment in Trivandrum is specially designed for diabetes patients.
– Sustained stress results in insulin resistance and diabetes. Long-standing stress is one of the major causes of diabetes in urban India. Kerala has become the diabetes capital of India. Due to sustained anxiety and stress, people are in a frenzied state of consuming medicines regularly. Over-medication can damage the liver, pancreas, kidney, and other vital organs, resulting in insulin resistance. Kerala consumes 33% of medications in India.
– A person under stress loses his discriminative power. He loses his memory, and intelligence, and finally loses his peace of mind. His ability to confide in others will be lost, and over some time, this mental agitation will result in a disease at the physical level.
IDRP Registration
IDRP reverses diabetes in 10 stages. It’s a safe, systematic and structured reversal program that creates lasting freedom from medications and complications. It’s an innovative, integrated program with a complete diet, exercise, inner transformation, and medical guidance. It’s a combination of personalized guidance and group therapy. During the treatment period, you will see a dramatic improvement in your physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being.
IDRP programs are available offline for Trivandrum residents and online for those living far away from the clinic. Both the programs proved successful. Those who gained freedom from Diabetes, its medications and complications is the proof. IDRP is the best Diabetes treatment in Trivandrum.
Registration forms are available online. Registration forms will be send to those who send an enquiry either through email/whatsapp.